Thursday, February 23, 2012

Shoeless Joe: 53-77

Free write options:
1. "I [Ray] practically dance to our table, I am feeling so manic, I have done it," (77).

Manic (adjective): showing wild and apparently deranged excitement and energy (Mac Dictionary).
Magic (noun): the power of apparently influencing the course of events by using mysterious or supernatural forces (Mac Dictionary).

Using the text as evidence, in what ways is Ray both manic and magic? And in what way do Ray's actions blur the line between the two (in other words, how might a reader of or character in the novel see his manic behavior as magic or the magic of the field as manic behavior)?

2. In what way does Kinsella's use of imagery intensify the magic and myth of the novel thus far? Use the text as evidence to support your ideas.

3. In what way does Kinsella's use of specific baseball names and references impact the reader? Use the text as evidence to support your ideas.


1. What future conflicts has W.P. Kinsella set up? At what level do these conflicts exist (man vs society, man vs self, man vs nature, man vs supernatural)?

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