Thursday, February 16, 2012

Shoeless Joe: 3-19

Let's begin with a little backstory: 1919 Word Series

Free write: Look at the quote that prefaces the book. Why do you think W.P. Kinsella began the book with this idea?

"Some men see thing as they are, and say why, I dream of things that never were, and say why not."

bit more insight into the novel.

Discussion questions:
1. How is Ray's epiphany on p.16 related to the magic on the field?
2. Where in the chapter can we find magic (not literally the word)? Why is it important to weave that in from the start? What is W.P. Kinsella trying to show us? What is he asking of us?
3. In what ways do Karin & Annie differ? Why is their difference essential to Ray's success/failure?
4. How does Annie's faith in Ray mirror his faith in baseball? And why has W.P. Kinsella created such similar faiths? What commentary might he be making on faith in general?
5. Let's look at some verbs .... find a few that just pop from the page. And, pay close attention to the verbs and similies/metaphors as we move forward.

Hitters with Blue Eyes are Wary of the Glare

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