2. Write 3 discussion questions pertaining to last night's reading?
- One of the questions must be focused around a single passage (no longer than a page).
- One question must be about characterization.
- One question must be about theme?
3. Narrow down ... break into groups ... each group select top three (one from each category) ...discuss
"But I understand Eddie Scissons. I know that some of us, ... sweet love" (218-219). What role does self-delusion play in life and dream fulfillment? Is Ray or Salinger or any of the seers delusional? How does delusion play into one's ability to see the field?
What connections are we to make between the Kid Scissons and Eddie Scissons? What does the field reveal about the dreamers?
Eddie's sermon (227-229). **In what way is baseball a universal language?
Why is is Eddie who gives Ray permission to see/speak to his dad? Why does Ray need permission? "Last inning of a perfectly played ball game (231).
The Others (just like Lost)
220-221: Idea of Field of Shared Dreams. Idea of payment for dreams. Can real dreams bring in money? Maybe only as an unplanned benefit? Why is Ray so reluctant to accept money? "The magic has been broken" (221).
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