Friday, April 27, 2012

The Natural: Day 2

Discussion from prior reading
1. The third pitch: how do the three pitches compare? where do we see the language of myth in each pitch?
2. Let's look at the final paragraph in which Harriet shoots Roy. What are we to think of Harriet? Was this expected or unexpected?
3. Symbols present thus far?

Last night's reading
4. The Fisher King, the wasteland
5. In what ways is Bump a failed hero?
6. What kind of person is Roy? How has he changed in 15 years and how has he stayed the same?

7. In what ways are Bump, the Whammer and Roy all variations of the same hero mold? What is Malamud telling us about heroes in society?
8. Roy waits for Memo & the chance to play. What do these to things have in common? What is Roy seeking from both?

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